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Navigated to Management - B.P.S..


Trocaire's BPS in Management degree program prepares graduates with the necessary skills and competencies to attain entry-level and intermediate level positions in management across a broad range of public and private sector employers.

The program offers applied learning experiences that reinforce core knowledge and competencies in management and leadership. Graduates acquire the expertise to think, communicate, and act critically, constructively and strategically, allowing them to advance organizational goals and objectives. Graduates of the program are positioned to contribute to and capitalize on the many opportunities created by rapidly evolving and changing business and organizational environments. The program affords students with diverse professional experiences and academic interests a flexible curricular pathway allowing them to customize a learning experience aligned with their professional goals and interests. Students may complete the BPS Management core as indicated below and select free elective coursework across a variety of subjects in subject areas including Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Healthcare Management, Hospitality, and Human Resource Management as well as make use of relevant transfer credit.

As part of the BPS Management program of study, the learner will complete an externship experience designed to provide a faculty-supervised opportunity for applied learning in a business organization context. Experiences, designed in collaboration with organizations connected to the program and college through established networks, provide for professional development of the learner and direct utilization of program material in applied context.

The program is designed to specifically address the needs of working adult learners including transfer students and degree completers through a flexible curriculum and online, distance education modality. This program will serve Trocaire students who wish to continue from the associate degree level as well as transfer students seeking accessible baccalaureate education while balancing work and family life.


All students completing this program are expected to achieve the General Education outcomes described in the General Studies section of the catalog as well as the following learning objectives:

  • Demonstrate professional communication skills related to management and leadership.

  • Apply quantitative and qualitative skills in areas of management and leadership.

  • Apply management and leadership skills including project management, budgeting skills, and personnel management to effectively manage and lead their area(s) of responsibility.

  • Integrate principles of ethical behavior, social responsibility, and diversity and inclusion to all aspects of management and leadership.

  • Develop innovative solutions to strategic, tactical, and operational issues in managing through the combined use of information, organizational knowledge, talent management, and critical thinking.

Management – B.P.S. Curriculum

BU300 Project Management - 3 credits
ENEL Basic Communication (GE Core) - 3 credits
ETEL Ethics Elective (GE Core) - 3 credits
FREL Free Elective - 66 credits
GS100 or GS102 College Seminar or College Success - 1 or 3 credits*
LAEL Liberal Arts Elective - 15 credits
MGT300 Managerial Finance - 3 credits
MGT309 Management Theory & Practice - 3 credits
MGT312 Diversity & Teambuilding - 3 credits
MGT315 Critical Management Communications - 3 credits
MGT320 Leadership & Change Management - 3 credits
MGT330 Strategic Planning - 3 credits
MGT440 Externship Seminar - 3 credits
NSEL Natural Science Elective (GE Core) - 3 credits
PSY303 Organizational Psychology (GE Core) - 3 credits
QUEL Quantitative Analysis (GE Core) - 3 credits
Total Program Credits - 120 credits

*GS100 College Seminar or GS102 College Success must be taken at the main campus

Additional Degree Requirements

A minimum grade of “C” in the following courses: GS100 or GS102, MGT309, MGT300, MGT312, MGT315, PSY303, MGT320, BU300, MGT330, MGT440 and a Quality Point Average of 2.0.

BU (Business) Courses
EN (English) Courses
Ethics Elective
FREL (Free Elective ) Courses
GS (General Education) Courses
LAEL (Liberal Arts) Courses
MGT (Management) Courses
NSEL (Natural Science) Courses
PSY (Psychology) Courses
Quantitative Analysis Courses Descriptions