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Leave of Absence

A student in good academic standing, with a GPA of 2.0 or higher, who wishes to take a Leave of Absence must make such request in writing to the Office of the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. In any calendar year, a student may be granted no more than one leave, and ordinarily it may not extend beyond one full semester. A student who does not return at the end of a Leave of Absence will be considered withdrawn from the college. This withdrawal will be effective as of the beginning date of the Leave of Absence. Except for exigent circumstances, a Leave of Absence will not be granted after Add and Drop day in each semester.

Students wishing to transfer out of their current major and into a new major must file a Program Transfer Request Form which is available through the Advisement and Student Service Center. This form must be completed by the student’s academic advisor, and approved by the director of the program into which the student wishes to transfer.

A program transfer may necessitate adjustments to those courses not applicable to the new program. Adjustments to measure academic progress will be made at the end of the first semester in the new curriculum.